
Dead rising 5 day survivor
Dead rising 5 day survivor

dead rising 5 day survivor

  • He gets over this in the last couple of days in story mode.
  • That won't stop him from fighting his way through crowds of zombies anyway.
  • Cowardly Lion: Unlike Frank West and Chuck Greene, who usually keep their cool around zombies, Nick gets nervous and panicked when surrounded by a horde of the undead and his first instinct is usually to run away from them.
  • Conveniently an Orphan: Him and Diego both.
  • Carlito apparently thought it was fitting to send the children back to the country that "helped" create them.
  • Child by Rape: Isabella explains in her backstory to Nick and Annie that Nick, along with all the other of Carlito's Orphans, were conceived by the U.S soldiers stationed at Santa Cabeza "spread their seed" this part in her reveal is accompanied by the brief audio cue of women screaming, showing that it was not consensual.
  • He also lacks a Latino accent like Diego despite knowing Spanish.
  • But Not Too Foreign: As seen in Child by Rape below, it's possible that Nick has some Mixed Ancestry.
  • Big "NO!": Gives one when Diego goes insane and tries to kill him.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Nick may be the Nice Guy and a Cowardly Lion, but push him too far and he will prove to be just as much of a badass as past protagonists.
  • Berserk Button: Don't mess with any of his group of friends, especially not Diego or Annie.
  • Badass Boast: Combines this with Precision F-Strike before the fight with Red when he says "I'm gonna kill you with my bare fucking hands, you son of a bitch!".
  • dead rising 5 day survivor

    He is also "patient zero", one of Carlito's Orphans given an immunity to zombification and carrying the cure within his body. Nick can make combo weapons on the spot, without the need for a workbench.

    dead rising 5 day survivor

    He is an orphan, and many details of his life remain a mystery, including the origin of the mysterious tattoo of the number 12 on his neck. "I'm getting the hell out of this city, and I'm taking my friends with me."Ī young mechanic who works for Wrench O' Rama in the city of Los Perdidos.

    Dead rising 5 day survivor