
What is the source of evil
What is the source of evil

what is the source of evil what is the source of evil

He was also taking a considerable physical toll on Phoebe as well. He forced Phoebe to hit Paige twice, as he blamed Paige for foiling his father's plans. Once in full control of the baby and its powers, it was able to control his own mother from the womb.

what is the source of evil

Unfortunately, after Cole was vanquished, the essence of the Source came to possess the child, like it did with Cole before him. The Charmed Ones thought that once Phoebe renounced her crown, and got the baby away from evil influences and the the Seer's tonic effects, they would be able to turn him good. It's not me and it's not Cole, it's the Source." - Phoebe Under his influence, Phoebe began manifesting the powers fit for the Queen of the Underworld, and was able to touch the Grimoire, even though she never became fully evil herself. After Cole was officially coronated as the Source, he had the Seer give Phoebe a tonic made from her blood, both daily and nightly, so that it not only strengthened the baby's demon side, but also slowly ate away at Phoebe's good nature. These measures not only ensured that the child could be conceived easily, but also that the child's evil nature would grow consistently stronger. The Seer had Cole slip Phoebe some chocolates enchanted with a fertility-enhancing tonic she brewed. However, Cole tricked Phoebe into marrying him in a dark wedding, which ensured that the child had an evil nature that could be easily tapped into, and would not be the heir to the Charmed Ones' destiny. The child would have been born as a powerful good witch had Phoebe married The Source/Cole in a white wedding, which would also have ended any chance of Cole being officially crowned as The Source.

what is the source of evil

Shortly after the Source of All Evil completely took over Cole, the Seer told him that she had foreseen Phoebe giving birth to the most powerful magical child ever conceived at the time.

What is the source of evil