Ishgard would be the worlds' largest arms exporter and the most likely place for Garlean technicians and scientists to flee to in the post-war. While it is likely to remain a seat of financial power, it's Ishgard that would see the Post-war Boom. Tho Ul dah fancies it self as the trading capital it is actually poorly positioned for that. The Empire would likely surrender when it became obvious that they could not protect Garlemald it self. But when the lines finally broke, Eorzea would be in Garlemald proper very quickly. In a realist sense where we minimized the main story and focused on this as a World-war Scenario the Empire would take several years to defeat.

to everyone basically while Limsa is a better positioned logistical hot spot, especially as Trade increases to the far east.

Ishgards growth as an industrial power would see its first major export be Arms and ammo. It is likely that as the war progressed as Eorzea was increasingly able to organize an industrial wartime economy It is likely that Ishgard and Limsa would come out as the Strongest economies thru and post war. Eorzea, on the other hand, showed signs of increasing sophistication and logisitical competence. Even without the royal family drama in the post ShadowBringer scenes Garlemald it self would be in constant unrest, and what ever financial infrastructure was set up to support the Empire's expeditionary military would be highly corrupt and constantly on the brink of a great-crash style break down.Ī functional eorzean alliance all but insures the Empire would lose the war and a protracted war with Eorzean Alliance garuntees a loss. Judging also by their apearance and by what we know of their georgraphy, Garleans are a minority in their own empire and their conscript army of foreign peasents probably stretches the Garlean economy to it's breaking point. The Empire likely expends nearly it's maximum force projection on supressing the near constant insurrections that boil up in nearly every corner of the empire. Put simply the reason why the Empire did not mobilize an overwhelming military responce to the Eorzean invasion of Alamigho is because no such force was availabe.

Extrapolating we can see that's likely the Empire had no real chance of defeating the Eorzean alliance after the defeat of the 14th legion. And they did a good job in that what we are exposed to in StormBlood shows us that the Empire operates its provinces at a economic loss. It's revealed that the Empire was essentially designed to fail.